Ensure your Supervisory Board will be future-proof
ECBE wins Dr Philine Sandhu as transformation expert
Ensure your Supervisory Board will be future-proof
Supervisory bodies are confronted with profound processes of change. The business models of companies are being fundamentally challenged. The Supervisory Board must - in a volatile geopolitical, ecological and digital environment - anticipate far-reaching opportunities and risks today and discuss their effects for the future.
To what extent is your Board positioned for these disruptions?
How do you ensure effective Governance in times of highly volatile developments?
How do you react to the latest amendments to the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC), which specifies the requirements for the Executive and Supervisory Board with regard to sustainable management?
ECBE accompanies the transformation capability of your Supervisory Board
Together with Dr Philine Sandhu, the ECBE evaluations offer the opportunity to systematically assess the transformation capacity of your Board.
Why is this relevant for your Supervisory Board?
You create transparency about the future viability of your Supervisory Board on the basis of measurable and multidimensional indicators.
You specifically identify strengths and development potentials of the Supervisory Board in the transformation process.
You minimise risks in Corporate Governance and supervision.
We are happy to provide you with further information.